I’ve decided to compile a list of homeschooling curriculum programs that I have either considered or currently use with my son. I spent a lot of my early homeschooling days researching these companies. Most of these are secular except for The Good and the Beautiful and Lote Tree Learning. My suggestion would be to discover your child’s learning style and research which one of these curriculum programs seems like the best fit. Personally, I use a mixture of different companies instead of using only one. I didn’t leave any reviews in this post but I have an older blog post discussing the curriculums we use. I also plan to make a review post in the future.
English Language Arts
- Logic of English https://www.logicofenglish.com
- All About Reading https://www.allaboutlearningpress.com/all-about-reading/
- The Good and the Beautiful ( not a secular company but their religious content is very easy to work around) https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/pre-k-8-curriculum/language-arts/
- Explode the Code https://www.rainbowresource.com/category/822/Explode-the-Code.html
- Blossom and Roots https://blossomandroot.com
- Brave Writer https://bravewriter.com/getting-started/stages-of-growth-in-writing
- Shiller Learning https://explore.shillermath.com/products/language-arts-a
- Handwriting Without Tears https://www.lwtears.com/
- Writeshop https://writeshop.com
- Rhythm of Handwriting https://rhythm-of-handwriting.logicofenglish.com
- Curiosity Chronicles https://www.curiositychronicles.org
- History Quest https://www.pandiapress.com/history-quest/
- Torch Light https://torchlightcurriculum.com/torchlight/
- Lote Tree Learning (This company is not secular. This is a Islamic history program)https://www.lotetreelearning.com/homeschooling/homeschool-curriculum
- The Good and the Beautiful ( This company is not secular but they are easy to work around.) thttps://www.goodandbeautiful.com/pre-k-8-curriculum/science-health/
- Blossom and Root https://blossomandroot.com
- Real Science Odyssey https://www.pandiapress.com/real-science-odyssey/
- Mystery Science https://mysteryscience.com
- Math Mammoth https://www.mathmammoth.com
- Kate Homeschool Math https://kateshomeschoolmath.com
- Singapore Math https://www.singaporemath.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2NyFBhDoARIsAMtHtZ43qamuNN-clfqQysfh2KnAEN-kM6t_i7GOg1oh7ImWEd9LjrLJB-waAkQ8EALw_wcB
- Math -U -See https://www.mathusee.com
- The Good and the Beautiful https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/pre-k-8-curriculum/math/
- Right Start Math https://rightstartmath.com
- Shiller Learning https://shillermath.com/WhatIsShillerLearning.php