Handwriting Difficulties and Dysgraphia
I first noticed my child’s handwriting difficulties when I started homeschooling him. He constantly flipped letters, had trouble with spacing, and disliked any writing assignment. I assumed that it would improve with age and practice but it didn’t. We’ve discovered that he has dysgraphia. Kids with dysgraphia have unclear, irregular, or inconsistent handwriting. We are working with an occupational therapist who has provided us with many helpful tools, tips, and resources. Although my son still struggles, he no longer resist writing. We’ve found many helpful tools that make writing a much more pleasant experience for him. His younger siblings also enjoy using these products too.
10 Products That Help My Child With Writing Difficulties
PenAgain Twist ‘N Write Pencil
My son discovered these from his occupational therapist who helps him with his dysgraphia. He always chooses to write with these “rocket” pencils and begged me to order them. Every time we work on handwriting he selects them. He has even gotten his siblings into using them too.
Weighted Lap Pad
This is another item that my son’s occupational therapist recommended. My son is a sensory seeker and completing assignments can be challenging at times. This weighted lap pad helps him stay emotionally regulated while working on writing.
We discovered stencils while my son was in a Montessori kindergarten. They used handwriting to help children build handwriting skills. I leave the stencils out and let him get creative with them.
Multi-Sensory Raised Ruled Paper
My son needs a lot of visual aids to help him with handwriting. His handwriting has improved greatly since using these sheets.
Window Crayons
My son’s occupational therapist gave us this idea! One day she had my son jumping on a trampoline and then writing a word on the gym window. We decided to do this activity at home. We always include this activity when we work on spelling.
Therapy Putty Before Handwriting Practice
Therapy putty is used for strengthening hand grip and finger strength. My son has enjoyed using his therapy putty throughout the day. Occasionally, before handwriting practice, we usually do hand exercises with the putty. There are different activities that you can do like hiding coins in the putty. This helps with fine motor skills.
Yoga Ball Chair
My son needs a lot of sensory input to be able to function. Most of the time we use his yoga ball chair while doing school work. He enjoys bouncing around when he needs a break. This leads to less resistance when we are working on writing.
Lap Table
We enjoy using lap tables because we can take them around the house or even outside if we have to. It’s always fun way for him to change the setting when he is doing writing assignments.
Slanted Clipboards
My son prefers to write with clipboards while sitting on the floor. Many times I worry about his posture. We use this slanted handwriting board and it’s been extremely helpful. Writing slanted helps wrist extension for pencil grasp,helps with visual tracking, and promotes good posture.
Pencil Grip Variety Set
Pencil grips have been a useful tool for us. My son sometimes complains of his hands being tired and these provide him with lot of comfort.
*This post contains commissioned links* I only recommend products that I use for my family. Please consider purchasing through my links.Thank you so much.