More Freedom for Exploration!
The first field trip I remember going on was to Alligator Adventure in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I still vividly remember the parrot that I saw, the weather, and some of the information we learned. Field trips were the highlight of my education. That said, we only went on field trips around twice a year. Sadly, most schools still have limited field trips. Some schools even eliminate them as children get older. In my view, this doesn’t do justice to the essence of education. Education is more than sitting at a desk, memorizing facts, and taking quizzes. Nothing compares to learning about a topic firsthand.

One of the many beauties of homeschooling is that you can go on as many field trips as you want!
Anything can be turned into a learning opportunity.
You can either take field trips with a homeschooling group, friends, co-op, family, or a mix of all of these! Sometimes homeschoolers can get into places for free or at a discounted price. It’s always worth asking. In addition, you can contact several organizations or businesses to ask if they can set up a field trip for your family or group.

You also get to make many more memories together with your children!

Ideas for Field Trips
- History Museums
- Art Museums
- Science Museums
- Children’s Museums
- Factories ( We enjoyed checking out a local chocolate factory.)
- Local Historical Landmarks
- Zoos
- Animal Rescue Centers
- Farms
- Tour of an ice cream shop or other restaurants
- Fire Departments
- Tours of grocery stores or other businesses ( to learn about what goes on behind the scenes)
- Exploring downtowns
- Taking day trips to new cities
- Beach trips
- Park Programs
- Hiking at local parks
- Hospital Tours
- Post office tour
- Bank Tour
- Tour of a courthouse
- Recycling center
- Touring different places of worship
- International Festivals
- Seasonal Festivals
- Exploring International Grocery Stores
- Exploring New Playgrounds
- Botanical Garden Tours
- University Tours
- Planetariums
- Amusement Parks
- Sporting Events
- Archaeological digs
- Family Travel Abroad
- Bird Watching
- Cultural Centers
- Protest or Demonstrations
- Plays and concerts
The possibilities are absolutely endless! You can take whatever topic that you are learning about and search for an activity related to it. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Just have fun!