Why Can’t I Fulfill My Morning Routine Goals?

Have you ever planned the perfect morning routine or told yourself that you’re waking up early the next day to be productive? If you’re like me, it probably didn’t happen. I’ve planned several morning routines; I researched videos and read blogs for tips. Yet, I couldn’t end up changing my unproductive morning habits. I realized that I was doing several things wrong.
- I was trying to emulate someone else’s morning routine that had different life circumstances.
- I was not taking the phase in my life with small children into consideration.
- I was scrolling my phone before bed.
- I was not sleeping early enough.
It wasn’t that my morning routines weren’t working. It was because a fancy morning routine was not realistic. None of the bloggers that I was seeking advice from were co-sleeping and breastfeeding mothers. They were women who had a very different lifestyle than mine. Furthermore, I was scrolling my phone before bed which resulted in me sleeping later than I planned.
What Has Helped Me ?
- Read a book, write, or draw before bed instead of scrolling my phone
- Establishing a quiet time with my children during the day to try to get time to myself ( this usually involves screen time for the kids)
- Wake up to pray Fajr ( dawn prayer) and go back to sleep for a short time afterward
- Wake up at least 30 minutes before the children
- Keep books, wireless headphones, portable reading lights, and headphones close to me
- Utilize sound machines
- Getting children to bed earlier
It wasn’t until this year that I’ve felt rested enough to establish a simple morning routine; my children are ages 2, 4, and 7. Don’t get me wrong; I am still exhausted. My daughter is very snuggly in the morning and can tell whenever I get out of my bed. The sound machines and keeping my favorite morning ritual items close to my bed have helped me tremendously.
What are My Current Favorite Morning Rituals?
*Many of these can be done while you are still in bed*
- Waking up for Fajr ( dawn prayer) with the call to prayer from my Alexa device
- Praying for people on my prayer list after dawn prayer
- Stretching after praying Fajr
- Getting ready in the morning (even it’s something really simple like a cute outfit or lipstick)
- Listening to Podcast on my wireless earphones while I snuggle next to my daughter
- Listening to Quran recitations or reading the Quran
- Drinking peppermint tea early in the morning by myself ( even if that means bringing the electric kettle into my room)
- Practicing French and Arabic somedays before the children wake up ( sometimes I bring my books into bed)
- Writing, reading, or drawing ( even if ot’s only 5 minutes)
I used to try exercising in the morning but I’ve figured out that it works better for me later in the day. I’ll be realistic, These are things that I enjoy doing in the morning. They don’t always happen. I’m still trying to figure out my routine. These rituals are based on my interest; everyone’s morning rituals will be unique because we all have different goals and interests. Take the pressure off of having a perfect morning routine. Start simple and don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t able to accomplish a solid morning routine in this phase of your life.