August Goals/ New Homeschool Year & Transitioning to a Natural Lifestyle

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Last Month’s Goals

 Last month I came up with the idea of sharing my monthly goals to become more motivated and to build a community of support. My July goals mostly revolved around my morning routine and waking up to pray early in the morning. My morning routine has slightly improved because the kids and I are sleeping better. I’m still struggling to wake up early to pray on time. I’ll be keeping this goal until I can figure out what works for me. You can find my July goals video here

My Goals for August

Muslim Motherhood, Homeschooling, Faith, and Reflections

  1. Wake up for Fajr ( dawn prayer) on time
  2. Pray all 5 daily prayers on time 
  3. Try to listen to something motivational daily 
  4. Work on sitting quietly, stretching, doing Islamic reflections (dhikr), and praying for people on my prayer list 
  5. Work on not looking at the phone before I sleep
  6. Get outside daily 
  7. Work on cooking nutritious foods and meal planning
  8. Work on the children’s bedtime routine 
  9. Buy a new water filter
  10. Buy a shower filter 
  11. Get a new non-toxic frying pan
  12. Experiment with gluten-free bread recipes 
  13. Keep with my son’s eczema routine/diet
  14. Get mason jars for food storage and freezing
  15.  Find a new non-toxic shampoo
  16. Write down what I need to discuss with doctor’s at children’s appointments this month
  17. Keep up with supplements and essential oils
  18. Start an immune-boosting routine for kids
  19. Think of a fun first homeschool day tradition
  20. Prepare back to homeschool field trip and pictures
  21. Lesson planning for homeschool
  22. Prepare something special for Zahra’s birthday
  23. Promote my book more
  24. Keep up with blogging,videos, and work on affiliate marketing
  25. Work on getting ready daily 
  26. Work on being intentional 

 My goals for August consist of transitioning back to a more natural/clean lifestyle, starting the new homeschool year, and working on building my faith. This list is long but most of these goals are just reminders to continue with the goals that I’ve already been working on for a while.

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” —Mark Victor Hansen

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