10 Benefits of Cooking With Children

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Making Sushi Together

     Lately, My 7-year-old son has become very interested in trying sushi. There aren’t that many great options available around us. since he has several food allergies. We decided to learn how to make sushi together as a family.

   Learning how to make sushi is something I’ve wanted to do for the longest time. We searched for different recipes together and went to our local grocery store to get the supplies. We also ended up buying this sushi kit from Amazon https://amzn.to/3nhA6JM. Making sushi together made me realize how much I missed cooking with the children.                                         

     In the past, we’ve made bread and treats several times together. Cooking with children requires a lot of patience but has many benefits. My best advice is to pick a day when you are relaxed, try as many shortcuts as you can, and start simple. Then, build from there. Also, involve them in the cleaning process.

My son used to really enjoy making bread with me.

10 Benefits of Cooking With Children

  1. Building Memories
  2. Becoming lifelong learners together
  3. Learning Life skills
  4. Exploring other cultures through food
  5. Practicing languages
  6. Confidence building
  7. Creating new menu ideas for selective eaters 
  8. Promoting healthy eating
  9. Fostering independence 
  10. Building math and science skills 

  We had a blast together! I’m pretty sure that sushi will be on our lunch or dinner menu from here on out. I also think that sushi would make a great side for when we break our fast during the holy month of Ramadan. I’m excited to see where our cooking adventures will take us. 

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